Thursday, July 23, 2009

I spoke too soon

Someone once told me ""Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." Remember when I wrote about chroncling my stuggles- HA. Well the past 2 days have been one big stuggle. I even visited with the pastor today, it helped a little,the Pastor told me God whispers to us in times of joy and shouts when we are stuggling. I liked that. It made sense. I am trying to remember and live by that and the above quote... At least I get to go to work tonight and be busy and think about other things, it will be a relief of sorts. Everything has basically come down to this, keep on keeping on. Yep that's right. I'll have to follow up on this one...

Monday, July 20, 2009


Someone once told me "A life without love is like a year without summer." I agree. Ahem, up until this point in my life of 24 years, that is. How can we live without that golden warmth of the sun and bright colors of summer? And how can we live with out the love of our partners, family and friends? We can't. Moving on...

Here begins a new endeavor of chronicling my struggles, triumphs and glories of the newly achieved career life (holy sh*t!! I only graduated college 2 months ago), and living back at the parents home- what do they call it these days? Boomerang children- that's it. So here I welcome you, to share your stories along with mine.